About Us
LANGKATODAY.COM is an online media portal for the people of Langkat Regency.
The information contained in LANGKATODAY.COM online media is mostly quoted from national media as well as other local and independent media.
Information contained in LANGKATODAY.COM online media can be in the form of facts and opinions / journal columns.
The information published in LANGKATODAY.COM online media tries to prioritize content that is critical and balanced towards events in the country.
The content published on LANGKATODAY.COM online media can be a comparison and balance of mainstream media information.
LANGKATODAY.COM online media builds political awareness, fights for law enforcement, socio-economic justice, national independence and the integrity of state life.
LANGKATODAY.COM online media strongly upholds the values of diversity and is critical of behaviors that undermine the values of diversity.
LANGKATODAY.COM online media provides clarification / corrections to information that is later found to be invalid / hoax / fake news.
LANGKATODAY.COM online media has the right to make edits/deletions to published content according to the latest developments in facts and information data.
Parties related to the news who request clarification / correction can send an email to the editor adm.langkatoday@gmail.com
LANGKATODAY.COM online media displays advertisements on web pages as income management (administration, server, IT) and contributors to the sustainability of the Web.